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Life Path Guidance

Life Path Healing is a very powerful process that helps guide a person to the realisation of their life’s purpose.  We all have different gifts to share, lessons to learn and connections to make.  We are also part of the larger picture – part of other people’s...

Space Clearing

Space Clearing is a bit like energetic housekeeping!  While we might clean up a physical space regularly, it is important to make sure your surroundings aren’t cluttered with stagnant or negative energy. We might not see the dust, dirt and clutter that can get “stuck”...

Energy Healing

Energy Healing covers a broad scope of modalities that involve the transmission of healing energy from the hands of a practitioner to the energy fields of the recipient.Denn hierbei handelt es sich um einen sogenannten PDE-5 Hemmer,...

Aura Cleansing

We have a wonderful energetic force around us called the Aura. It acts as both a buffer and a magnet for surrounding energies, such as any emotions, connections or psychic debris that we might come across. The Aura is a lot like a filter, and our perception and...

Sound Healing

Sound Healing has been around for many thousands of years, and people in every culture have used it to some degree or another, whether they were aware of it or not. The basic premise of Sound Healing is that we live in a vibratory world.  Everything in this world...


Home | Reiki | Crystal Therapy | Intuitive Coffee Readings The wonderful and gentle Art of Reiki has been around for centuries. In today’s fast paced and high stress world, Reiki can help bring awareness, stress relief, peace, calm and balance into your life. Reiki is...